Treeclimbers Kletterseite 



Treeclimbers International

Tree Climbers International (TCI)

the world's first organization and school for recreational tree climbers

Bei Tree Climbers International® (TCI®) handelt es sich um eine weltweite Organisation von Menschen, die es lieben auf Bäume zu klettern. Hierbei geht es hauptsächlich um die eigene Sicherheit und natürlich den Schutz der Bäume auf denen wir klettern.

 Tree Climbers Australia

Treeclimbers Australia

"Having had the chance to climb many beautiful trees as an arborist, recreational climbing was a natural step for me. I found that climbing just for the enjoyment opened up a whole new world previously overlooked.In early 2006 Tree climbing took me to Oregon and to master instructor of Tree Climbing Northwest ‘Tim Kovar’. There I learnt techniques for taking other people up into trees, as well as a tree week course. Feeling the need to share this love of climbing ‘Tree Climbers’ (Australia) was born."

Russell Tomlin, 2013


Member of The Internet Defense League  





© Ulf Steinert, Treeclimbers Kletterseite